Great Content
Great websites drive great traffic by delivering the best they have to offer.Generate great content,if not,recycle great
Here is the bottom line –
Have a great website ? well you would probably like to get noticed fast,submit your site to DMOZ,Alexa,and major
Meta Madness
Optimize your meta tags and code to reflect what your website does. Meta tags are read by search engines,the grand daddies of the web site mumbo-jumbo so you better be specific. A meta description of 150 words and 12 keywords is
you can edit the meta description by going to the code and adding the Description,keywords/tags,and author attributes.
<meta content=' Enter your site Description Here ' name=' description'/>and add it to the head section of your code.
<meta content=' Enter upto 10-12 Keywords Here ' name='keywords'/>
<meta content=' Enter Author name Here ' name='author'/>
Make Them Subscribe
Now you are driving some visitors to your website and are all set to take the big leap. Well make sure you have RSS or
<link href='' rel='alternate' title='nameofwebsite' type='application/rss+xml'/>Add the big Orange button of feed subscription on top of your website,readers tend to click on the infectious orange button for feed subscriptions. Also offer email updates and just never let your website readers go to any other site for the content you offer.
Keyword Orientation
This is one of the most basic techniques,use your website’s main keywords in your content and articles. however be
Its simple as hell and yet most of people get it wrong. DONT MAKE YOUR SITE A LINK FARM . Always link to related websites but add a nofollow attribute to it so search engines don't read it. Include inlinks,that is the links to your own website and articles connected using keywords. Make sure to decorate your keywords by adding a title to your keywords
for ex -
Wrong Method - Link with no explanation or title – PROHACKusing inlinks have a great plus point,it makes your reader wander in your site and doesn't makes him go away unless your site is short of good content,something which you cant lack in any condition.
The correct method of displaying Link - PROHACK
Also try to get links from other websites as maximum as possible,be an active member in forums,put the link of your website in your forum signature and let it roll.
The Layout
Make sure your site has a clean layout with ads well hidden and blended in the template.Include your profile link or an
Convertible traffic
Now here comes the concept of convertible traffic,time is precious and everybody looks for related stuff in order to save time. Save your readers time by offering them related links and articles alongside your article,in that way you will be a great resource and a honeypot for your readers.Convert your traffic to useful bucks by offering them relavent ads well
Friendship counts
Yup..make friends,both with readers and other webmasters. Ask for LINK EXCHANGE FROM SITES WITH HIGHER PAGERANK AND RANKING.Comment frequently on well maintained blogs,leave your links by permission and invite them to comment and post articles on your blog.This will help maintain good relations with other bloggers. Exchange SEO techniques and you can even host their ads on your website and yours on them.
Make sure to Reply to comments left by your readers.This way they will feel they are being heeded and are following a professional website.
Social Bookmarks
Get free publicity from social bookmarks. Encourage your users to bookmark your content and share it the way they like. Allow them to remix and adapt your content and make sure you do get a backlink for that (You sure deserve it :P). Embed feed and sharing widgets in your site and use them to your advantage. Make a brand name for yourself using these tools.
Today an average internet surfer is very intelligent and likes to share and link up everything he gets with his near and dear ones..Urge him to share up your views and ideas.Digg,Stumble,Reddit your ideas and articles regularly and be an active member in these communities.
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